Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

What a gorgeous day it is today. Sunshine, a slight breeze that smells like the blooming lilacs and the first really hot day (30C/92F). Love it! Came home from work and put the sprinkler on my flowerbed.

12May13harley It’s Mothers Day. My mother passed away nearly 20 years ago at the young age of 64, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about her a lot. Dad, too. He’s also gone. She was a farm girl from Saskatchewan, he was a city boy from Ontario, but they found a lot in common. They were both what each other was looking for.

12May13beachI don’t know what the date is on these pictures, but I think early to mid-1950s. They got rid of the Harley once the babies started coming.

Here’s to the rebel in all of us.

Until next time,

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