... is that eventually we all have to get back to work in some form or fashion. Not that being a cat in my house is hard work, but some of us just want to put off facing reality for as long as we can! No new kitty toys under the tree this year. In fact, no tree at all this year - no tree to chew on and knock ornaments off of.
Mr. ZQ and I simplified our lives this year and left the tree in the box and the presents in the stores. But we enjoyed more visitors than usual, with neighbours and family members dropping in.
The old year wasn't a bad one for us. I suppose we've had better years, but this one turned out to be mostly pleasant. I retired in February from my job of 14 years and my profession of nearly 40. After a few months off I ran for election to town council and won. I was able to spend most of my time outside working in my garden or yard, instead of in the office sitting in front of a computer. Money started to become a problem towards the end of the year as unexpected bills rolled in and there was no regular paycheque to take care of them, but that's all getting sorted out now. Life is good.
That pretty snowfall that I mentioned in my last post turned into a nasty winter storm by evening with screaming winds from the north. The next day - New Years Day - we were left with snowdrifts of up to two feet high in places, like between our cars. I didn't have any place to go that day but I went out to shovel the

emergencies and went outside to see if I could roust him. The weather was getting quite nasty by then

In my last post, I mentioned that these little Japanese Knot Bags were addictive and fun to make. Here are more that I made. I began putting embellishments on them, also. Just a little bit, on one of the handles. They aren't really noticeable at first, the way embellishments probably should be, but I haven't been doing this for very long. There are stars on some, diamonds, bright metal, burnished metal, etc. At least I got the last few on straight! Those round bottoms might lend themselves nicely to some soft fringes in the future, or some cording.
I made a couple of special ones, as well - one for myself! and another one using a wool lining.
Unfortunately, the one with the wool lining and the blue and white batik print didn't turn out so well. I didn't realize until after I'd finished it that my sewing machine tension decided to have its own fun and go skipping! So it became my bag, and the one I made for myself with the bright red cardinals and the gorgeous Laurel Burch tree lining became someone else's. I may have mentioned before how much I love Laurel Burch's designs. Well, I have lots more - probably more than I should. I have lots of the wool left, as well, and I can wait for a time when the sewing machine is behaving itself before I try this again. I've worked on the tension for days and days, adjusting the knobs, cleaning the bobbin area, replacing the bobbin and needles, changing the thread, changing the fabric... It doesn't seem logical, but sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know if there is any solution other than patience. Just like this dumb blogger interface - just when I think I've got the hang of it, it gets all screwy again.And with that, I'm off until you see me again! Until next time,
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